Sustainability managed with responsibility and conviction

Sustainability and with it the protection of your environment are very important to us.

It's our responsibility that our children and grandchildren still find our blue planet reasonably intact. That's why we tray in little and big ways to make the world a little bit better. And we do that out of conviction.

Sustainability has three main aspects for us:

  • Responsible use of our resources
  • Environmental protection at the company
  • Social commitment:
    • Responsibility for our employees
    • Commitment in the region and beyond

Certified Quality

Recognised neutral institutions confirm the quality and environmental compatibility of our products with their seals of quality:

  • We've been continuously IFS-certified as one of the first fish smokehouses since 2004.
  • The seal of the independent non-profit Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) stands for sustainable fishing as a contribution to heath oceans.
  • Naturland-certified ecological aquaculture. Here the location is carefully chosen and surrounding ecosystems protected.
  • The ASC seal certifies environment-friendly, socially responsibly operated aquacultures.
  • The ESF-financed activities for increasing the eel population in Europe and for restoring its natural life cycle.

MSC: pioneers for sustainable fishing


Naturland: pioneers for organic salmon

Naturland is an international association for ecological farming founded in 1982. Naturland has applied its ecological principles to the production of fish and seafood in aquaculture.

As a result, Naturland has made organic salmon from ecological aquaculture possible in the first place. The EU Ecological Directive was not built up on the Naturland guidelines until much later. However, the latter are formulated more clearly and strictly until today.

A unique selling point of Naturland salmon compared to EU organic salmon:

  • The Naturland guidelines contain binding social criteria - both with regard to the employees of the farm and processing, and concerning interaction with other interest groups in the area surrounding the farm.
  • The Naturland guidelines specify binding analytics for environmental pollutants.
  • The Naturland guidelines specify that fish meal and oil used as feed are also certified according to the Naturland guidelines and must mostly originate from the remains of seafood processing.
  • The Naturland guidelines set up specifications for processing: Prohibition of injection salting and liquid smoke.
  • The Naturland guidelines specify the use of natural treatment methods and require the freedom from residues to be analytically verified following treatment by a veterinarian.

Compared to conventional salmon, the following main criteria are added:

  • The highly limited stock density
  • Ecological quality of the plant-based components
  • Prohibition of chemical impregnation of the nets.

ESF: for reinvigorating the eel stock

ESF stands for Eel Stewardship Fund, with the goal of: Promoting measures for increasing the eel stock in the European inland and coastal waters.

The ESF finances a large number of activities for replenishing the European eel stock, which was seriously disrupted in recent decades through causes unknown until now. With resources of the non-profit association, glass and young eels from threatened locations are released in selected suitable waters. Here the fry can develop into healthy spawners and milters. Migrating silver eels are also caught, transported to barrier-free coastal waters and released again here so that they can reach their spawning grounds unharmed. The number of migrating eels ready for spawning increased in this way is ultimately intended to result in recovery of the eel stock.


We support the die Initiative for Promotion of the European Eel (ESF - Initiative zur Förderung des europäischen Aals e. V.) with every kilo of eel sold.


ASC: for responsible fish farming

Environment and Energy


"There is nothing good: unless one does it." Our entire team does its best to act in accordance with this saying from German author Erich Kästner: when dealing with each other at the workplace, but also through our commitment for social projects in our environment.

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